Meet The
Learn more about the developer of CONSCRIPT and how the idea for the WW1, survival horror came to be!
About Jordan
Catchweight Studio isn’t really a studio, it’s just me!
My name is Jordan, I’m a 26 year old game developer living in Melbourne, Australia.
As a child I had dreams of making games and creating my own stories for people to play. CONSCRIPT is my chance to do that.
Development started in early 2017. The only game development experience I had were the imaginary maps I drew as a young kid.
With a love of both history and the classic survival horror genre, CONSCRIPT was born!
Classic survival horror has long been one of my favourite genres. Silent Hill 1-4 and Resident Evil 1-4 have been my biggest inspirations. I’m intent on recreating the spirit of such games in CONSCRIPT. The purposeful design, narrative, intricate map layouts, oppressive atmosphere. Everything.
They say that you should finish a dozen small projects before starting your first big one. I think I missed that memo - the project file I will eventually finish CONSCRIPT in is technically the first ever game development project I started. I have never been tempted to start any other projects.
Something compels me to create this game and tell this story.
I hope you all can join me in the creation of CONSCRIPT, and many games after.